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激光支架是专为与 Handy Pulse Laser 配合使用而设计的。


激光支架可让您在执行多项任务时继续使用激光,让您的双手腾出来做其他事情。非常适合背部、颈部、肩部、脚踝 - 所有这些难以触及的部位。




观看我们关于使用带有 Handy Pulse Laser 的支架的指导视频。

库存单位 HP71X389
品牌 Handy Cure S 激光
装运重量 0.1100公斤
运输宽度 0.110米
运输高度 0.060米
运输长度 0.110米
运输立方 0.000726000立方米

Customer Reviews

Based on 140 reviews
Debra Wynd
Good for immediate pain relief.

Was using a borrowed one of these on chronic inflammation over the hip areas. Following the recommended settings and treatment length I believe it gave me temporary relief for several hours. The pain and discomfort of this chronic problem does return though so even after 1 month of treatment I am not sure that it has much reduced the pain overall. Maybe the long term chronic nature of my problem is beyond the expectations of the machine. Anyway I bought one for myself in the end because it definitely does give temporary relief if not long term. Expensive but this brand was recommended as being useful and effective. It will always come in handy to treat other aches and pains.

Simon Mittag

Pricey but well made. The only weak point for a device of this price point is the charger could’ve been usb-c instead. Bit flimsy and custom

Pulse laser

After being recommended by my doctor and chiropractor to use the Laser instead of having a knee operation 10 years ago, I still do not require a knee replacement. I also use the large and small probe. I prefer the small probe as I do not have to hold my hand as far away from my body, but the large probe does come in handy too... When my wife tore her hamstring and was sent to emergency she was told she’d be on crutches for six weeks, though we started using the Laser straight away and within three days she was walking quite comfortably without the crutches and was fully recovered after three weeks of continuous use of the Laser. I highly recommend this product.