Low Level Laser Therapy
What is Low Level Laser Therapy?
Low level laser therapy, also known as photobiomodulation or cold laser therapy, uses low intensity lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs) at the infrared and visible red wavelengths to relieve pain and reduce inflammation caused by damaged tissue.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is not a newly-discovered treatment. It was pioneered in the 1960s and there are thousands of published studies documenting its effects in a range of medical and veterinary applications. Health professionals around the world use low level laser therapy to treat patients suffering from a range of pain conditions.
Low Level Laser Therapy can assist to
- relieve muscle and joint pain
- speed healing
- reduce swelling
- promote relaxation of muscles to alleviate spasms
- improve functionality and mobility
- relieve stiffness
The low level laser light particles, known as photons, penetrate into the tissue through the skin to a specific depth depending on the wavelength. Typically, low level laser devices use 600nm-1000nm (visible red-infrared) wavelengths.
Unlike surgical lasers, the intensity of low level laser is not high enough to produce heat, so it cannot burn or heat the skin.
The Handy Pulse Laser is an LLLT laser which combines low-level pulse laser infrared radiation, pulsating LED infrared radiation, visible LED red light, and a static magnetic field.
How Low Level Laser Therapy Works
The difference between super-pulsed and continuous low level laser