Vielight Neuro Australia
- For a 10% Vielight Discount Use Coupon Code - pulse10 on ships from Perth Australia Or Call Vielight to Order 0011-1-877-355-8012
Please refer below when deciding which Neuro device is right for you. These tables show a summary of the functions of each device.
Duo |
Gamma |
40 /10 Hz810 |
40 Hz810nm |
Alpha |
X-Plus |
10 Hz810 |
0 Hz810 / 633 |
655 Prime |
810 Infrared |
0 Hz655 |
10 Hz810 |
Vielight Neuro
The Vielight Neuro Gamma and the Neuro Alpha are two next-generation transcranial-intranasal near infrared (NIR) headsets, engineered for increased efficacy and easy domestic use for comprehensive brain photobiomodulation.
These powerful devices feature improved transcranial clusters and updated microchip LED boosting technology – leading to triple the power density and a redesigned headset that is adjustable to suit a variety of head shapes and sizes.
What is the difference between Vielight Neuro Alpha and Gamma?
Vielight Neuro Alpha uses the 10 Hz pluse rate, compared to the Neuro Gamma that pulses at 40 Hz. The 40 pulse rate correlates with EEG gamma brain wave entrainment, which has a stronger effect on memory and cognition enhancement. The 10 Hz pulse rate of the Vielight Neuro Alpha has an overall effect on neuronal health.
The Vielight Neuro products may assist in the following:
- Mental acuity
- Traumatic brain injury
- Concussion recovery
- Brain neurodegenerative symptoms
- Neuro-developmental symptoms
- Sleep
- General brain health.

Contact us for advice on whether the Alpha or Gamma is better suited to you.
Photobiomodulation for Improving Brain Function in Dementia (May 2017-Nov 2018)
The goals of this trial are to: (1) replicate a previous study by Saltmarche et al 2017 in a larger group of individuals with dementia and (2) to examine the underling brain mechanisms behind the changes in cognitive function. -
Vielight Neuro RX Gamma – Feasibility Pilot (Nov 2017-June 2018)
This study tests the effects of the Neuro RX Gamma on the cognitive and behavioral functioning of subjects with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's Disease. The Neuro RX Gamma uses non-invasive near-infrared energy delivered to the brain in daily treatment sessions at home. - Evaluating the effect of the Vielight Neuro Gamma Device on real-time EEG signals in older adults at rest. (March – April 2017)
To evaluate whether the energy delivered by the Vielight Neuro Gamma produces a reliable effect on neural activity in older adults.
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Disclaimer: The above information is general information only. Pulse Laser Relief does not make any medical claims for specific medical conditions.