Transcutaneous Laser Blood Irradiation (TLBI)

Transcutaneous Laser Blood Irradiation (TLBI)

Numerous specialists confirm the high efficiency of low-intensity laser radiation influence on blood stimulating blood formation, activating general blood circulation and microcirculation systems, improving rheological blood properties (viscosity and liquidity), increasing oxygen absorption by cells and tissues, adjusting cellular and humoral immunity systems, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and analgesic effects.

TLBI has several advantages over intravenous laser influence (IVLI):

  • – non-invasiveness (no skin penetration);
  • – no pain and discomfort;
  • – no need for disposable infusion systems and light ducts, guaranteed sterility of the procedure;
  • – no blood cell damages in connection with low density of power flow.

! Key counter-indications for TLBI are as follows:

  • – blood diseases with bleeding syndromes;
  • – significant thrombocytopenia, deep vein thrombosis;
  • – days before and during menstruation

TLBI is used widely both as an independent method and within integrated treatment of various diseases. The method may be used where there are no indications for zonal therapy, for example in weakened patients with intoxication phenomena. The influence on blood is performed within the area of major vessels as close to skin surface as possible being areas of carotid, femoral and subclavian arteries, underarms, areas of elbow joints, and popliteal fossa.

Efficient session procedures include:

A. TLBI is included into basic treatment programs

In day-to-day practice, the most efficient use of TLBI is including it into basic treatment programs as set forth in particular methodologies. Generally, one pair of the above symmetrical zones is selected located as close as possible to the pathology source. 

Frequency  ........................................................................ 5 Hz or 50 Hz

Exposition  ....................................... 1 to 5 min per zone (right and left)

B.TLBI is used as an independent method

Within one session, the TLBI is exerted only on one pair of the symmettrical zones.

Frequency ........................................................................ 5 Hz or 50 Hz

Exposition ..................................... 5 to 10 min per zone (right and left)

Session frequency ............................... 1 session per day or per two days

Course .................................................................................... 10 sessions

Courses may be repeated based on indications in 3 to 4 weeks (the duration of breaks and number of required repeated courses is based on dynamics and sustainability of the effect achieved).

Part 1: Bone Fractures Download the Printable Booklet See all Treatments

Customer Story

Review from John last 8th November 2017:

"In April 2016, my wife had a fall at our local shopping centre resulting in a fractured right elbow and pelvis. After some surgery to mend her elbow fracture she had various treatments of physiotherapy, ultrasound and then advised to seek help from physiotherapists who specialised in laser treatment. She found some comfort from this treatment and after a few of these it was suggested to her that we purchase one of your units. We thought it somewhat expensive at first and also that it was just a ‘Placebo Effect’! Further uses convinced us of its considerable help in relieving pain in the troublesome area of her lower back. I too have found it rewarding in use on my thumb joints and find that treatment is only necessary about once a week for 5 minutes. We have let friends try our unit with agreeable responses! Thank you, John L."

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