Our Blogs
LLLT Research Paper Watch: Effect of Pulsing in Low-Level Light Therapy
Effect of Pulsing in Low-Level Light Therapy Background and Objective Low level light (or laser) therapy (LLLT) is a rapidly...
LLLT Research Paper Watch: Pain Treatment with Low Reactive Level Laser (LLLT)
Department of Pain Management & Palliative Care Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto. Noninvasive and low reactive level laser...
LLLT Research Paper Watch: Low-Level Laser Acupuncture
Low-Level Laser Acupuncture by Jose T. Vargas, MSc ABSTRACT Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory states that Qi, or the vital...
How does Low Level Laser Light Therapy Work?
How does Low Level Laser Light Therapy work? "To explain this we use an analogy. If a tomato plant is failing to...
LLLT Research Paper Watch: Is There Benefits of Combining LLLT with Exercise for for Lower Back Pain
In chronic low back pain treatment, low level laser therapy combined with exercise is more beneficial than exercise alone in...
Literature Review Analysis of Low Level Laser Therapy for Neck Pain
This is a very interesting peer reviewed paper by Dr Roberta Chow and her colleagues that was published in the...
Australian-first Clinical Trial of Laser Acupuncture Arthritis Treatment for Knee Pain
An Australian-first clinical trial of arthritis treatment using acupuncture laser to treat osteoarthritis knee pain is showing positive results, but...